Getting Started
IgnisHPC is a modularized docker framework consisting of multiple source code repositories. The framework is open source, so all repositories can be found in GitHub: IgnisHPC.
Next we summarize the minimum steps to execute a simple job in IgnisHPC.
As we mentioned, IgnisHPC is a dockerized framework, so all the system modules are executed inside docker containers. On the other hand, IgnisHPC external dependencies such as schedulers or image storage can be installed independently, but IgnisHPC includes a dockerized version of them.
Therefore, the minimum requirements to run Ignis are:
Docker: It must be installed and accessible. We recommend using the newest version available.
Python3: Available by default in most Linux distributions. It is used to execute a deploy script and simplify the installation of IgnisHPC and its dependencies.
Pip: The deploy script is available as a pip package, although it can be downloaded from the source code repository. In any case, using pip is the easiest way to install IgnisHPC.
Git (optional): The git binary is required for building IgnisHPC images from repositories.
IgnisHPC can be installed just using the following command:
$ pip install ignishpc
Once the command is executed, we can check that we have the ignis-deploy
command available in the path.
This process must be carried out in all the computing nodes where IgnisHPC is going to be executed.
Creating IgnisHPC Containers
Images of IgnisHPC containers are not available for download. They must be built in your runtime environment. This allows the creation of a custom development environment with complete isolation from other framework installations even on the same machines.
In this example we will use a local docker repository and ignishpc as the base path for all images.
$ ignis-deploy registry start --default
parameter indicates that other calls to ignis-deploy
should use this repository as the default source.Once executed, we will receive the following warning message:
info: add '{insecure-registries" : [ "myhost:5000" ]}' to /etc/docker/daemon.json and restart
docker daemon service
use myhost:5000 to refer the registry
The docker registry requires a certificate for validation. We can create one locally or add
{insecure-registries" : [ "myhost:5000" ]}
to /etc/docker/daemon.json
with the aim of forcing docker to use an insecure one. Do not forget to restart the docker daemon to reload the configuration.
Once the registration is available, we can proceed with the creation of the IgnisHPC images:
$ ignis-deploy images build --full --sources \ \ \ \ \
The first two repositories are essential for the construction of the base images. The command can be executed in several phases, it is not necessary to specify all the repositories in the same execution. The only restriction is that if you use the --full
parameter, which creates an extra image with all the core repositories, you must have all the cores together. This allows users to create an image that can run Python, C++ and Go codes in the same container.
Finally, IgnisHPC files can be extracted from an image with:
$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/target <ignis-image> ignis-export-all /target
The result will not be executable but can be used in application development.
Deploying IgnisHPC Containers
Once all images are created, it is necessary to deploy the containers. IgnisHPC jobs are launched using the submitter module, but to use a cluster it requires a resource and scheduler manager such as Nomad or Mesos.
Alternatively, IgnisHPC can also be launched as a slurm job in an HPC cluster, docker is replaced by singularity, so a different submitter must be used.
Next we show examples deploying the containers locally (no manager is needed), and using Nomad, Mesos and Slurm.
Docker (Only local)
Submitter using an http endpoint:
$ ignis-deploy submitter start --dfs <working-directory-path> --scheduler docker tcp://myhost:2375
Submitter using a Unix-socket:
$ ignis-deploy submitter start --dfs <working-directory-path> --scheduler docker /var/run/docker.sock \
--mount /var/run/docker.sock /var/run/docker.sock
Master node:
$ ignis-deploy nomad start --password 1234 --volumes <working-directory-path\*>
Worker nodes:
$ ignis-deploy nomad start --password 1234 --join myhost1 --default-registry myhost1:5000
$ ignis-deploy submitter start --dfs <working-directory-path\*> \
--scheduler nomad http://myhostX:4646
* The working directory must be available on all nodes via NFS (Network File System) or a DFS (Distributed File System). (Only required for working with files)
Zookeeper is requiered by Mesos:
$ ignis-deploy zookeeper start --password 1234
Master node:
$ ignis-deploy mesos start -q 1 --name master -zk zk://master:2281 \
--service [marathon | singularity] --port-service 8888
Worker nodes:
$ ignis-deploy mesos start --name nodoX -zk zk://master:2281 \
--port-service 8888 --default-registry master:5000
$ ignis-deploy submitter start --dfs <working-directory-path*> \
--scheduler [marathon | singularity] http://master:8888
* The working directory must be available on all nodes via NFS (Network File System) or a DFS (Distributed File System). (Only required for working with files)
The ignis-slurm
submitter can be obtained from ignishpc/slurm-submitter
$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/target ignishpc/slurm-submitter ignis-export /target
This submitter will allow you to launch ignisHPC on a cluster as a non-root user and without docker.
IgnisHPC Docker images can be converted to singulairty image files with:
$ ignis-deploy images singularity [--host] ignishpc/full ignis_full.sif
The basic syntax of ignis-slurm
is the same as the later shown ignis-submit
, but a first parameter with job-time must be passed to be requested to slurm. The time can be specified in any format supported by slurm.
For example, a 10 minute job should start with:
$ ignis-slurm 00:10:00 ....
In addition, help text can be displayed using:
$ ignis-slurm --help
Launching the first job
The first step to launch a job is to connect to the submiter container. The default password is ignis
, but we can change it inside the container or choose one when launching the submitter.:
$ ssh root@myhost -p 2222
The code we will use as an example is the classic Wordcount application, which can be seen below.
import ignis
# Initialization of the framework
# Resources/Configuration of the cluster
prop = ignis.IProperties()
prop["ignis.executor.image"] = "ignishpc/python"
prop["ignis.executor.instances"] = "1"
prop["ignis.executor.cores"] = "2"
prop["ignis.executor.memory"] = "1GB"
# Construction of the cluster
cluster = ignis.ICluster(prop)
# Initialization of a Python Worker in the cluster
worker = ignis.IWorker(cluster, "python")
# Task 1 - Tokenize text into pairs ('word', 1)
text = worker.textFile("text.txt")
words = text.flatmap(lambda line: [(word, 1) for word in line.split()])
# Task 2 - Reduce pairs with same word and obtain totals
count = words.toPair().reduceByKey(lambda a, b: a + b)
# Print results to file
# Stop the framework
In order to run it, we need to create a file containing a text sample (text.txt
) and store it in the working
directory. By default the submitter sets the working directory to /media/dfs
. All relative paths used in the
source code are resolved using this working directory, so /media/dfs/text.txt
is an alias of text.txt
Finally, we can execute our code using the submitter:
$ ignis-submit ignishpc/python python3
$ ignis-submit ignishpc/python ./
When the execution has finished, we can see the result of the execution in wordcount.txt
located in the working directory. If we want to check the execution logs, we must navigate to the scheduler web or use docker log
in case of using docker directly.
Launching without Container
The ignis-submit
can also be used outside the submiter container, for example where permanent containers are not allowed:
$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/target ignishpc/submitter ignis-export /target
This command will create a ignis
folder in the current directory with everything needed to run the submiter. The ignis-deploy
command configures the submitter container, but when there is no container, we must set the configuration manually.
The submitter needs a dfs and a scheduler, as ignis-deploy
showed, these can be defined as environment variables or in ignis/etc/ignis.conf
property file.
# set current directory as job directory ( in ignis.conf)
export IGNIS_DFS_ID=$(pwd)
# set docker as scheduler (ignis.scheduler.type in ignis.conf)
# set where docker is available (ignis.scheduler.url in ignis.conf)
export IGNIS_SCHEDULER_URL=/var/run/docker.sock
The above example could be launched as follows:
$ ./ignis/bin/ignis-submit ignishpc/python ./